a NEW twist to a classic game
This game has been recreated many times but this has to be the best remake of them all.
I love the fact that the ball is square and curves to make it more challenging.
Graphics(9): I gave the graphics a 9 because I loved the special effects with the sparkles coming out of the.. umm.. ball? cube? But, i was wondering what that thing was on the very left.
Style(10): Like i said in my one-line summary, a NEW(and i really mean new) twist to a classic game. Keep up the good work.
Sound(10): The music really went with the mood of the game, and i <3 techno! lol...
Violence(0): I didn't see anything really "violent" in this game.
Interactivity(10): It's a pick-up and go game. Easy to learn, easy to play, but very challenging.
Humor(1): I thought the thing on the left looked like a zelda character and that made me laugh. Well, it doesn't look like a zelda character it just reminded me of zelda.
Overall(10): Considering this is your first game, I must say, Bravo! You were one of the few people on newgrounds who has the flash power to make a good worthwhile game. And if this is what your games are like I can't imagine your movies. 10 out of 10, and keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing your skill with newgrounds.